AGE Platform Europe is a European network of more than 150 organisations of and for people aged 50+ representing directly over 40 million older people in Europe. Our work focuses on a wide range of policy areas that impact on older and retired people. These include issues of anti-discrimination, employment of older workers and active ageing, social protection, pension reforms, social inclusion, health, elder abuse, intergenerational solidarity, research, accessibility of public transport and of the build environment, and new technologies (ICT).
AGE Platform Europe is participating in various research projects on ICT, e-Inclusion, eHealth and mobility, bringing evidence of the needs of older users and engaging them in User Fora, Advisory Boards and consultations. Besides our policy and monitoring activities, AGE is involved in the dissemination of relevant information to our network through various channels (AGE monthly on-line newsletter, brochures, participation in seminars, workshops and campaigns and the AGE website).
AGE Platform Europe joins the project with the aim of voicing the needs and concerns of older people as well as to disseminate project activities and outcomes to older people’s organisations and policy makers at the national and European level. AGE Platform Europe will take on tasks where the involvement of users is foreseen to support the designers and developers on the one hand side, and to bring older people on board on the other hand side. AGE will be responsible for managing the dissemination activities to achieve greater visibility of the project outcomes by using our networks of policy contacts and other stakeholders to disseminate the project at the European level, as well as calling for the support of our members to help with dissemination at the national level.