Not long to go until the EU FrailSafe final event in Brussels, 3 April 2019. From now on you will be able to get to know one of our partners every week and learn more about their expertise and involvement.

Do not forget to come meet them!

Today we are allowed to introduce you to our partner with mature technical expertise Gruppo SIGLA based in Italy and its activities within the FrailSafe project. You do not want to miss that read! Check it out!

1. What is your role in the EU FrailSafe project?

Gruppo SIGLA’s main role in the project has been to design and implement the Cloud based architecture and to lead the system integration. FrailSafe architecture design has been addressed toward an open and flexible platform able to interface heterogeneous devices and sensors, more and more advanced and sophisticated, with no loss of interoperability. In this context, an interoperability layer, compliant with HL7 standards’ requirements, has been also implemented.

Furthermore, Gruppo SIGLA dealt with the implementation of the eCRF (electronic Case Report Form), a tool that is designed to improve the collection of data in compliance with a research protocol and with regulatory requirements. It represents a significant instrument for the performance of a clinical trial and its efficiency could positively affect the success of a medical research.

2. From your perspective – what makes EU FrailSafe innovative?

Frailty is associated with poorer quality of life and higher healthcare associated costs. However, no common definition and interpretation of frailty among clinicians, researchers, and policy makers exist. In this context, FrailSafe contributes to fill a gap on how to define and measure the frailty and, consequently, lays the foundations for its prevention and management.

3. The project is coming to an end – what are your main contributions to the final EU FrailSafe solution?

Gruppo SIGLA’s main contribution is connected to its main role in the project that can be summarized in the design and implementation of a cloud based IoT architecture for the development of a clinical context platform. As known, in such a context, the level of criticism for the preservation and un-alteration of data, and the sensitive data protection is very high.

Considering the related technological activities performed by Gruppo SIGLA and analyzing the first FrailSafe platform assessment technological results, it is possible to say that FrailSafe architecture overcomes those risks and interoperability constraints that generally affect IoT ecosystems.

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