The FrailSafe project offers a data visualization dashboard, through which users of the FrailSafe system (older persons, family members, clinicians, frailty researchers) can view the collected data in the form of graphical charts, as well as the outcomes of the data analysis, such as system recommendations.
Data collected in the FrailSafe project include clinical examinations performed by clinicians, physiological measurements collected by wearable sensors, behavioural information collected by carried devices and ambient sensors, as well as data about the user's performance in the FrailSafe games. Through the FrailSafe dashboard, users can see these data and their progress over time in charts and graphics.
Depending on the user’s profile that logs in to the dashboard, different types of interactive charts are available: for older persons and family members, charts depicting the older person’s progress over time are shown, allowing them to have a comprehensive overview; clinicians have the additional option to view charts of collective data from a large group of older persons, in order to view distributions of attributes in the population; going further, frailty researchers have the option to use more advanced visual analytics methods, such as facets and graphs, in order to perform comparative analysis between groups of participants and to visually discover correlations between attributes.
Apart from viewing available data, end-users can also view alerts and recommendations produced by FrailSafe’s online and offline data analysis mechanisms. Once an unusual measurement value is detected (e.g. the user has increased blood pressure during the day), an alert is produced and is shown in the family member's and clinician's dashboards, so that they can proceed to appropriate actions. Furthermore, all types of users can view recommendations that are produced by the system, based on the progress of the participant. These recommendations can be suggestions to increase exercise, or to play certain games, or suggestions to visit one's doctor, if measurements indicate so.
Through its data visualization and alert/recommendation mechanisms, the FrailSafe dashboard aims to support all types of FrailSafe end-users in making decisions about their habits (for older persons themselves) and about how they can assist their related older persons (for families and clinicians).