Not long to go until the EU FrailSafe final event in Brussels, 3 April 2019. From now on you will be able to get to know one of our partners every week and learn more about their expertise and involvement.
Today we are allowed to introduce you to our ambitious and very committed AGE Platform Europe team based in Belgium (Brussels) and their activities within the FrailSafe project. You do not want to miss that read! Check it out!

1. What is your role in the EU FrailSafe project?
Given that AGE Platform Europe is a European network of organisations of and for older people in Europe, which works on a wide range of policy areas and research projects that impact older people – including the areas of new technologies, healthy ageing, integrated care and long-term care; its role in the FrailSafe project is defined around communicating the project outcomes to a wide range of European, national, regional and local stakeholders working in the field of active and healthy ageing.
In this communication and dissemination efforts the activities are twofold. (1) We involve AGE members – e.g. in form of the user forum at AGE’s General Assembly - , share the project’s progress and results with them and request their feedback to support the improvement of the FrailSafe system and to explore the potential of the FrailSafe system to improve older person’s quality of life.
And (2) we support and/or manage activities raising the visibility of the project itself and its outcomes through actions and events at local, national and European levels. All these activities are performed in close collaboration with our partner HYPERTECH who you will be able to get to know next week!
2. From your perspective – what makes EU FrailSafe innovative?
Among other innovative aspects within the FrailSafe System – such as high user friendliness and acceptance; a holistic approach towards frailty; innovative ways to quantify frailty and therefore detect symptoms and monitor transitions to other levels; etc. – we think the most innovative is the shift from non-recurring one-time only assessments performed by physicians in a hospital and therefore non-natural environment of an older person, to a prolonged real-time monitoring of frailty parameters in the natural environment of an older person. This is performed in combination with the guidance of a physician and therefore allows more accurate frailty level transition detection and prediction of adverse outcomes. As a result, it promotes a preventive approach that supports active and healthy ageing but also independent living.
3. The project is coming to an end – what are your main contributions to the final EU FrailSafe solution?
Overall, AGE’s main contribution is composed of a set of key webinars, user workshops, campaigns and events; designed to support the further development of the FrailSafe system based on external expertise and collaboration.
Additionally, AGE managed several social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn), as well as coordinated website contributions from partners to enhance the visibility of the project to relevant stakeholders.