On the 23th and 24th of January 2018, the FrailSafe consortium participated to the EIP AHA A3 action group meeting, hosted by the University of Twente in the Dutch town of Enschede. SIGLA – in collaboration with AGE – prepared the contents and the poster for the event (available here). The project progresses and the ongoing work were presented at the meeting. The presentation was focused on presenting the project, its main objectives, an overview on the clinical research, the identification of novel frailty metrics based on data analysis and the challenges the project is facing on practical, scientific, methodological and legal aspects. FrailSafe representatives again stated their interest in collaborating with other EU projects and entities active on frailty management to further improve the Frailsafe Solution.
A second part of the meeting was dedicated to the poster session that gave the possibility to the people of the EIP AHA A3 action group to exchange opinions, discuss about the projects face to face and address their questions on specific aspects of each work presented. Regarding FrailSafe, a lot of attention to the project presentation has been shown and many questions rose after this poster session, in particular on the clinical research aspects. Questions usually dealt with the general approach adopted within FrailSafe and the method of evaluation of Frailty of the volunteers.
The EIP AHA A3 meeting was a good opportunity to exchange with stakeholders working in the frailty treatment field to the benefit of European citizens. It was a chance to consider different concertation opportunities with the participants on methodologies and technological approaches to maximize FrailSafe results and acceptancy.
As a result, the consortium decided to organise a webinar with the EIP AHA A3 group focused on the medical aspect of the project, a part that attracted the curiosity of the A3 members the most. Finally, FrailSafe committed to keep the action group informed on the progresses and evolutions of the project.
The presentation is available here.